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Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest peak in the world: 8,125 metres! Another great challenge for Sophie Lavaud!

Sophie Lavaud at the Nanga Parbat base camp.
Sophie Lavaud at the Nanga Parbat base camp.

"I missed my connection in Doha because of the delay of the flight from Kathmandu and I arrived in the middle of the night in Islamabad, even at 3 o'clock in the morning, the heat is impressive....

After a few hours of sleep, I try to leave the hotel and the thermometer shows already more than 40 degrees, with a light wind, it gives the impression to be in a giant hairdryer. We had a peak at 46 degrees!

The climbing permit was finally issued th

ree days later and we were able to leave this furnace after visiting the magnificent Faisal Mosque.

A new road more direct than the famous Kharakoram Highway was opened, the Babushar Highway where we pass a pass at 4200m before going down to Chilas in the Pamir. 14 hours of bus... instead of 15 hours in 2015.... really faster!!?? 🙂

We spent two nights in Chilas to wait for the rest of the group and the bags stuck in customs in Islamabad. Even with Sangay I couldn't get out of the hotel to buy honey... Reprobate looks, no women in the streets.

We finally leave Chilas in a jeep with our friends but without our bags still blocked. One policeman per jeep who will accompany us to the base camp, machine gun as a backpack and about 60 porters. I'm looking for other blond heads....?

We go from the furnace to the snow when we arrive at the base camp at 4200 m. But the sun quickly makes its return and we discover a magnificent place.

The moraine is covered with grass and flowers facing the gigantic face of Nanga Parbat!

First time on a base camp that I am awakened by the song of the birds and as our bags are still not there, we will have time to enjoy this beautiful place and this mythical view.

Salamalekum, to be continued... "



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